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Which Android/IOS permission does the Animal Pets Daycare Kids App require?


Animal Pets Daycare Kids

July 22, 2022 00:03




Which Android permissions does the app require?


In order to protect the privacy of its users, the Android operating system requires applications such as Animal Pets Daycare Kids to declare the specific permissions they need to perform certain operations.


In the case of Animal Pets Daycare Kids, these permissions include:


Network / Internet

This permission is required by  application to communicate with Google Servers for the GooglePlay Achievments.


- android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE (for GooglePlay Achievments)
- android.permission.INTERNET (for GooglePlay Achievments)


- Android Device ID: (ID for identification when talking to servers.)
- Advertising ID: (in case of advertising, but this app is without ADS don't worry)


More About Android Device ID & Advertising ID:


A Device ID is a string of numbers and letters that identifies every individual smartphone or tablet in the world. It is stored on the mobile device and can be retrieved by any app that is downloaded and installed. Apps typically retrieve the ID for identification when talking to servers.

In the context of mobile advertising, a device ID will be one of two things. Depending on your operating system, the Device ID will either be used as the identity which advertisers, marketers and other services will track when looking for a particular type of device, or for services in Google Play:

  • On iOS, a device ID is called the ‘Identity For Advertisers’ (, or IFA for short).

  • On Android, the device ID is the GPS ADID (or Google Play Services ID for Android). A user is able to access their GPS ADID within the settings menu under ‘Google - Ads,’ as well as reset the ID, and opt-out of ad personalization.


All prevoius Permissions are maybe needed in later Version.


Location (GPS and network-based) (in later Versions)

Your location is required in order to calculate accurate . times are based on the position of the sun which itself depends on your actual location. Your location is also used for the


CAMERA usage (in later Versions)

This permission is required  to accesses the camera in augmented reality in the real direction to find it.



In-app purchases / Billing (in later Versions)

Should you decide to upgrade to the Premium version of Animal Pets Daycare Kids, this will allow you to use your existing Google Play Store account in order to make a secure payment. Your validation will still be required at the time of such purchase and Animal Pets Daycare Kids can never access your billing information which remains secured by Google. The Animal Pets Daycare Kids upgrade is a one-time payment only and NOT a recurring subscription.


Storage / Photos / Media / Files (in later Versions)


This permission is required by the Animal Pets Daycare Kids application in order to save downloaded content such as additional  files, audio .


Phone / Device ID & Call Information (in later Versions)


This permission is required by the Animal Pets Daycare Kids application in order to obtain a unique identifier for your device. This unique device ID is used to secure the usage of our free credits and invitation code as well as to secure your purchase should you decide to upgrade to the Premium version of Animal Pets Daycare Kids. Please note such device identifier is completely anonymous, as all other data collected by the Animal Pets Daycare Kids application.


Other permissions (in later Versions)


A few other system permissions are also required by the Animal Pets Daycare Kids application in order to download audio and translation files from the internet, send you notifications (), prevent your device from sleeping while , make your device vibrate when using the , and run at startup to reschedule  notifications should you restart your device.

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